Brilliant Source

Positive Energy: BSE Cares

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. And, whether it’s sending flowers to your Grandma, buying chocolates for your spouse, or even just remembering that special someone who gave you a valentine card in 3rd grade (thinking of you Kyle Campbell), there is a certain feeling around Valentine’s Day.

Now I know some people hate it, but not me. Valentine’s Day has always been special to me even when I didn’t have a special someone in my life. Since the day I turned 18 years old, I would save up my money and buy myself a nice piece of jewelry on Valentine’s Day. Maybe some earrings that were real gold and didn’t turn my earlobes green. Or a ring with a real diamond, albeit just a tiny chip perhaps, but real. And when I say nice, I mean from a real jewelry store, certainly not in a box of Tiffany blue, but not from a blue light special at my local Kmart.

I still have those treasured jewelry pieces I collected over the years and when I wear them, I feel strong, independent, and loved. And, appreciative I have something real.

I think everyone wants to feel strong, independent, and loved. Everyone wants to have something real. Perhaps the message of Valentine’s Day is to share in that universal need. The best part is that we can do that in so many different ways and not confine our efforts to only one day.

Here at Brilliant Source Energy, our purpose is demonstrated through a program called BSE Cares. Throughout the years we have helped Veterans by paying for their visits to mental health providers. Helped put diapers on the bottoms of newborn babies whose mothers could not afford basic necessities. Fed countless people who just needed a warm meal. Helped kids undergoing lifesaving treatments and supported their families who were by their sides. Provided mittens and winter hats to those who were cold, supported our city schools, contributed to children’s athletics programs, encouraged young future leaders, gave donations to college scholarships, and the list goes on and on.

Founded by our owner and CEO, Dawn Paytosh, the BSE Cares program makes contributions for our clients that elect to redirect a portion of their utility spend to a non-profit of their choice.

We can provide a complimentary analysis on how you can save money for your business and contribute to a charity of your choice at the same time.

Together, we can care for our community. May we all spend Valentine’s Day appreciating what is real. What matters. Let’s do our part to help others feel strong, independent, and loved.

“Shine bright like a diamond” – Rihanna

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