Brilliant Source

The $261,681 Case for Energy Efficiency

What would you do with an extra $261,681 in your operations budget? Expand your service capabilities? Invest in your workforce? Take on some much need renovations? Most small businesses like the idea of optimizing their energy efficiency but the thought of putting the time, and most importantly, the money towards that effort seems daunting. However, hesitating to address your efficiency issues today could mean a loss of thousands of dollars over time.

The Challenge

Many businesses struggle to know where to start when they are faced with improving energy efficiency. Some may feel that the incremental improvement is not worth the time and effort.  

Our client struggled to manage their utility costs, usage rates and billing processes which resulted in a hefty annual expense, taking away from their bottom line.

The Solution

Through utility cost rate reductions, energy and billing audits, you can begin to chip away at your compounding energy costs. All this can be done through a strategic action plan which involves an in-depth energy audit, evaluating your usage, understanding how to better monitor it and by establishing contracts to lock in the best utility rates. Read more about forensic energy analysis here. In addition, you’ll want to implement a sustainability policy so you can maintain the plan that you’ve put in place.

The Results

Ultimately, we saved our client a total of $261,681 in energy costs over the course of 1 year by lowering their operating expenses, reducing their annual maintenance costs, and by improving their overall cash-flow. And it all started with a forensic energy analysis. Sometimes admitting you have a problem is half the battle, but once you reach out and ask for help, you’re sure to see positive results.

To learn more about our services, please contact us at

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